
Simple JSON Storage

Lawnchair: Simple JSON Storage


Adapters expose a consistent interface to a persistent storage implementation. A Lawnchair build enqueues adapters and mixes in the first one valid for the current environment. This pattern is common in mobile scenarios, for example, a Lawnchair built with the DOM and Gears adapters will gracefully degrade through all available Android persistence solutions.

blackberry-persistent-store great for phonegap
dom localStorage (often called dom storage) **default adapter**
window-name oldest hack in the book **default fallback**
gears-sqlite for android < 2.x
ie-userdata for older versions of ie
webkit-sqlite deprecated but still perhaps useful
indexed-db the new direction of HTML5 (say that 3 times fast)
memory in memory reference implementation

If you require an adapter thats not listed here it is trivial to implement your own. Adapters have the following interface:

// adapter name as a string

// boolean; true if the adapter is valid for the current environment

// ctor call and callback. 'name' is the most common option 
init ([options], callback)

// returns all the keys in the store
keys (callback)

// save an object
save (obj, callback)

// batch save array of objs
batch(array, callback)

// retrieve obj (or array of objs) and apply callback to each
get (key|array, callback)

// check if an obj exists in the collection
exists (key, callback)

// returns all the objs to the callback as an array
all (callback)

// remove a doc or collection of em
remove (key|array, callback)

// destroy everything
nuke (callback)

The tests ensure adapters are consistent no matter what the underlying store is. If you are writing an adapter check out ./tests/lawnchair-spec.js. The memory adaptor is probably the simplest implementation to learn from. Note, all Lawnchair methods accept a callback as a last parameter. This is deliberate, most modern clientside storages only have async style interfaces, for a good reason, your code won't block the main thread aiding in the perception of performance. That callback will be scoped to the Lawnchair instance. Make use of fn and lambda methods to allow for terse callbacks.